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About us

We are communication experts that change behaviour and perspectives. As part of UNIT9, we are powered by one of the world’s leading creative, digital and content production companies.

Our values

Treat others the way you want to be treated

Act with integrity, honesty and respect all those around you no matter their gender, ethnicity and sexuality.

Give a damn

Good enough isn’t good enough. Whatever we are creating and whoever we are working with, strive to imagine, produce and deliver the highest standards in creativity, technology and innovation.

Show up

Whatever the project, client or challenge we bring our best and never shirk our responsibilities or stop being accountable to those around us. We are all better when we work together.

Everyday is a school day

Whether we’re learning new skills or discovering more about our client's businesses, we approach every situation with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Keep it simple

With a little creativity, common sense and belief, any challenge can be tackled and surmounted.

Our people

We’re strategists, designers, producers, animators, client managers, writers, tech-heads and storytellers. We work hard to provide an inclusive environment for our diverse multinational team. Meet them below.

Cassy Waugh
Client Services
Mark Iremonger
MD & Partner
Joanna Marciszewska
Image from iOS-1
Scott Dearing
Nick Edmondson
Sarah Hindley
Alistair Robertson
Creative Partner
Joe Hodgkiss
Mathilda Holmkvist

What our clients say about us

We work with two services that independently interview and qualify client feedback about Nucco.  You can find them here:

the drum recommends        clutch


Our journey to B Corp certification

As of March 2024, we're delighted to announce our certification as a B Corporation (or B Corp), joining a growing movement of companies reinventing business to benefit everyone and our shared planet.

Certifying is only the start of our journey — we’re on a mission to continue improving our impact to create an inclusive, equitable and regenerative economy. 

Visit this page to download our latest impact report and to learn more about our journey to achieving B Corp certification.

Our commitment to equal pay

Understanding the gender pay gap and pay ratios at Nucco.

Gender and Pay equality are industry challenges that we believe are best tackled through transparency. With this in mind, we share data on our gender pay gap and pay ratios. This is based on a Jan 2023 snapshot, using the UK government's methodology to calculate the gender pay gap. 

The median gender pay gap at Nucco is 8% compared to the advertising and marketing industry gap of 18%. This means that for every £1.00 that males receive, females receive £0.92.

Overall Gender Pay Gap-1
Median Gender Pay Gap-1
The Drum reported an aggregated number for the advertising and marketing industry in the UK in 2021 of 17.85%. You can see individual larger UK agencies on the government's website. For example, WPP's Wunderman Thompson pay female employees £0.79 for every £1.00 paid to males.

Nucco has an overall equal 50/50 gender split. 

Gender Split by Quartile-1
Pay ratios

Concern around pay inequality can be addressed with transparency about pay ratios. You can find more about Pay Ratio here. Because we are not big, we compare median quartiles against the top one. 

Nucco has a pay ratio of 2:1 when comparing the median top and low quartile. 

This means that the low quartile median is about half the high one. 

Overall Gender Pay Gap (Jan 2023)

Our ambition is to be a business that people love because of our culture and our work. When we talk about people in this context, we include our staff, partners and clients.

If you would like to work with us at Nucco or get in touch, you can contact us here.

Get in touch.
Let's talk.